
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Business success could be in your DNA

Business success could be in your DNA

Wondering whether to study entrepreneurship in grad school? Well, you might want to have your DNA tested before that, says Economics Prof. Scott Shane.

He told The Wall Street Journal that 40 percent entrepreneurial predispostion could be innate.

Shane, who teaches at Case Western University, said that certain personality traits are widely shared by successful entrepreneurs.

His book, 'Born Entrepreneurs, Born Leaders,' says qualities like extroversion, being open to new ideas and the ability to negotiate tough terms are attributes that may be inherited.

Shane thinks that this could lead to the idea of education based on an individual's DNA.

"Instead of assumming everyone is equal and will respond to education the same way, we will be able to look at genetic predispositions and figure out what fits," the New York Daily News quoted Shane as saying.

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